Premier League reveals 2022-23 calendar season to avoid the World Cup

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The Premier League has revealed that the 2022-23 season calendar will start a week earlier and will take a break in mid-November. and come back to kick again on Boxing Day A week after the World Cup in Qatar,

the 2022 World Cup will take place in Qatar. This is the first tournament in the world of football. will move to play at the end of the year Impacting the annual calendar for the regular season of European football, the

Premier League has released a revised calendar for the 2022-23 season, with the season opening a week earlier on the 6th. August before going to stop again after the end of the weekend kickoff program on November 12-13,

then the national team players Will report to service on 14 November for the big tournament in Qatar until 18 December.

The Premier League will resume on Boxing Day. One week after the World Cup which means Players who go to the World Cup have little time to recuperate after hard work.

For the opening day of the season and closing a week later on May 28,

the 2022-23 season will feature 34 weeks total weekend matches, three midweek matches and one Bank Holiday match.